Grace & Brian

August 23, 2025 • Meredith, NH
163 Days To Go!

Grace & Brian

August 23, 2025 • Meredith, NH
163 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Madeleine Woodworth
Madeleine Woodworth - Maid of Honor
Friend of the bride & survivor of high school era Grace. Currently attending Yale (!) as a graduate student for psychiatric nursing. Loves her bearded dragon Smaug, the Legend of Zelda series, and attending music festivals. This will be one of the few times you won’t see her in all black. Kind, considerate, and gentle, Mads is a shining example of what a great friend should be.
Chloé Rigby
Chloé Rigby - Maid of Honor
Friend of the bride & survivor of high school era Grace. Always unsure of Chloé’s current location; girl has two passports and makes good use of them. Passionate about the environment, yoga, and throwing a mean dinner party. If we have a cheese table, you will definitely find her there. Great sense of humor and adventure, Chloé is a lively (& love-y) friend, a wonderful host, and brings a sense of whimsy into every room she enters.
Cherokee Siciliano
Cherokee Siciliano - Bridesmaid
Friend of the bride but was friends with the groom first. Met the groom in college but found his bride-to-be much more tolerable. Huntress, mother, and scholar; there is nothing she can’t do, especially if you’ve told her she can’t. She is 50% sass and 50% sweet and 100% funny. Cherokee is a Southern Belle without all the tea dresses.
Becca Shirley
Becca Shirley - Bridesmaid
Childhood friend of the groom but realized the bride is far cooler. Started two small businesses in two separate states; is one of the hardest working and most determined people we know. Overcame the odds of being a dork to becoming a beautiful woman (who is still kind of a dork!). Smart, empathetic, and a faithful friend. Becca is a rare gem and is worth her weight in gold.
Aly Galgano
Aly Galgano - Bridesmaid
Friend of the bride & former college roommate. Grace teased her for attending a rival high school & have been friends ever since. Professional mixologist while studying to become a clinical mental health counselor. Engages in similar grandma activities as Grace: crafting, reading hardcover books, painting, & needlepoint. Has two lovely cats named Marceau & Chickpea. Thoughtful, kind, and generous; Aly is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
Tessa Brower-Walsh
Tessa Brower-Walsh - Bridesmaid
Friend of the bride & sorority sister. She’s the only positive to come out of Grace’s sorority experience. Has more energy than the Sun. Can dance, and well, unlike most of us. Dog mom of her beloved pup Oscar and cat Wilde. Fitness guru, coffee gal, and has a great sense of fashion. Resilient, funny, and charming; there is never a dull moment when you’re with Tessa.
Sabrina Kniss
Sabrina Kniss - Bridesmaid
Friend of the bride. Regrettably a KC Chiefs fan, which we hold against her, but is her only negative trait. Not a mean bone in her body. Finds a way to include everyone. Can turn a casual hour catch-up lunch into a 3+ hour hoot and holler. World traveler, dog mom, and board game nerd. Few people in life match or come close to the light and energy Sabrina brings to a room.
Mary Beth Grimm
Mary Beth Grimm - Bridesmaid & Sister
Has known Grace for 28 years. Literally going to be the first person on the dance floor and it may require an act of God to remove her from it. Incredible mother to Bryson and Wynter. Grace tries hard to be at least half as cool as her big sister. Bubbly and vivacious, you will find yourself constantly playing catch-up to keep up with MB.
Kevin Deely
Kevin Deely - Best Man
Pictured to the left. Brother of the Groom. We met at a young age and have been friends ever since. Loves Formula 1, model trains, his cat Beyblade, & arguing with me. Savant at obscure sports or activities he’s never tried before. Loyal to a fault and always down for a good time. Kevin will try anything and enjoy it, especially if there’s good company to share it with.
Jason Kniss
Jason Kniss - Groomsman
Met in college after Brian spilled water all over his lunch. Saw it as an opportunity to make a friend, somehow it worked. West coast elitist and does not believe the Appalachian mountains count as mountains. Very funny, can tell you a story you hope doesn’t end. Jason puts 100% effort into everything, even when he doesn’t have to. Can’t say enough nice things about the man.
Tyler Morson
Tyler Morson - Groomsman
Friend of the groom. Played football and rugby together as kids, have been mistaken as the other at least 100 times. Loves to work on his tackling form, keep your head on a swivel. Great brewmaster, woeful Giants fan, & music aficionado. Gives incredible advice, will talk with you for however long you like about whatever you want. Tyler will ask you if you’re having fun & will gladly change that if you aren’t.
Timothy Hall
Timothy Hall - Groomsman
Friend of the groom. Goes by Tim, but so does my Dad, so Timothy will do. Classmate & fellow graduate of St Andrew’s Lutheran Preschool back in ‘99. Incredible cook, aspiring comedian, gym rat, fantasy football grifter, and total bookworm. If you want to have an intelligent entertaining conversation, find and talk to Big Time Tim.
Sam Wood
Sam Wood - Groomsman
Friend of the groom. Roommates in college, shocked he’s remained friends with me. Painfully Midwestern, is genuine & nice to his core. Has a job, refuses to talk about it. Loves everything Kansas except the Jayhawks. Consistently the voice of reason yet partakes regardless if his recommendation is heeded. Everyone needs someone like Sam in their life.
Chris Popiel
Chris Popiel - Groomsman
Friend of the groom. Met in college and bonded over our mutually debilitating injuries sustained while enrolled. Future Dave Grohl impersonator. Loves his ferocious pup Stella, weekending at music festivals, hosting parties, and owning a bus. Undoubtably the best person of all of us. Chris is a refreshing reminder that good people exist and live among us.
Scott Goodman
Scott Goodman - Groomsman
Cousin of the groom. Constantly found ourselves in trouble from childhood through recently. Only time will tell if the trend continues (I’d bet the over!). Loves Washington sports teams, the outdoors, and sharing a good beer. Wildcard at heart, good times seem to follow him. If you’re bored, tag Scott and he’ll help you change that quickly.
Jay Spaulding
Jay Spaulding - Groomsman
Brother of the bride & friend of the groom. Unnaturally athletic. Can do a backflip, has never tried. Card collector, avid snowboarder, and a big beach guy. Endlessly kind, is the type of guy to give the shirt off his back for you. Added plus for him, it’s a good excuse to take his shirt off.
Bryson & Wynter Grimm
Bryson & Wynter Grimm - Ring Bearer/Flower Girl
Nephew and Niece of Bride.